Amrak Water Group designs, builds, installs and services commercial and industrial water treatment systems. Using a water analysis of the supply water, systems are designed to treat for specific water problems. Customers include: manufacturers, food processors, paper mills, mining and construction camps, small subdivisions, apartment buildings, wood processors, research labs, pharmaceuticals, and health products manufacturing

Treatment Options:
Multi Media Filters
pH Neutralizing filters
Water Softeners
Ultra Pure Water Systems
Reverse Osmosis Systems
Carbon Filtration
Ultra Violet Sterilizers
Ion Exchange Systems
Chemical Floculation
Amrak Water Group also offers design and engineering of small water system projects, including Health Dept. applications and construction permit approval. These projects are potable water treatment plants for small subdivisions, backcountry ski lodges, mining exploration camps, fishing lodges, etc..
We can take your project from concept to startup. A typical project includes: Budgeting, design, system drawing, engineering, permit applications, construction, installation and system startup.